Gilead's Global Patient Solutions

Gilead's Global Patient Solutions

Supporting the Global HIV Community

For nearly two decades, we have worked with partners around the world to help ensure that our HIV medicines are available to all people living with HIV, regardless of where they live. We were the first company to employ large-scale voluntary licensing to unlock low-cost, high-quality antiretroviral drugs for countries with limited resources and the first to license our HIV products to the Medicines Patent Pool. As a result, more than 17 million people in low- and middle-income countries now receive Gilead HIV medicines.

We know that saving lives requires more than medicine. That’s why our approach touches all parts of the healthcare ecosystem: from HIV awareness and prevention, to diagnosis and treatment, to fighting stigma and advocating for greater equity. We work as partners alongside the global HIV community to listen and learn, and walk this journey together.

Our support for people living with or at risk for HIV in low- and middle-income countries is made possible by the hard work of a dedicated Gilead team and our many partners. We invite you to get to know a few of our team members below.

Dr. Papa Salif Sow

Building Partnerships

As an infectious disease physician from Africa, I have been dedicated to fighting the HIV/AIDS epidemic from the start. I’m most proud of our work on DREAMS and Gilead’s partnership with PEPFAR and others to reduce young womens’ and girls’ vulnerability to HIV.

Christopher Whitfield

Leading our Work in Africa

As a young American athlete, I was transfixed when Magic Johnson told the world he was living with HIV. Three decades later, I am privileged to lead a team of passionate Gilead employees working to support people and families in the 54 countries of Africa.

Dr. Boon-Leong Neo

Strengthening Health Systems

I helped build a partnership with Sustained Health Initiatives of the Philippines (SHIP) to strengthen health systems, train healthcare workers delivering HIV care, support community-based organizations serving key populations, and reduce stigma and discrimination. Tackling these challenges is a marathon, but I believe that ending the HIV epidemic is achievable.

Manika Lall

Supporting Communities

Today more than ever – with the pandemic, climate change, humanitarian crises and natural disasters – communities need our steadfast support. Through our grants and partnerships, we are striving to empower people whose voices have not historically been heard.

Jirair Ratevosian

Engaging Governments and Policy Makers

I work with governments and global donors to accelerate an end to AIDS. HIV is personal, and I am humbled to be part of a movement that has always fought for health and rights for all.

Dr. Rachid Mansouri

Engaging Healthcare Professionals

Beginning my career as a physician revealed to me the profound need for clinical research that represents the populations we are trying to reach, and the impact of provider sensitivity in removing barriers to health. I’m committed to helping develop our next generation of clinical researchers and doctors through education.

Tara MacCannell

Putting Innovation to Work for Children

My passion lies in ensuring that scientific innovations translate into solutions for people and families everywhere. My focus today is on arming physicians with the most up-to-date information and guidance on treating children with HIV.